Sunday 27 June 2010

Power Copywriting - Get Your Headline Read!

Your copywriting is about MARKETING!  Never forget this.  So there's no point in crafting clever-clever headlines if they don't get read!

A leading professor at the Institute for Direct Marketing at Munich once conducted a famous live experiment as part of the Institute's research into headlines.  He found there are some words that encourage people to read the headline, called REINFORCERS, and words that put people off reading it, called FILTERS.

The most powerful reinforcer is the word YOU.  This lets readers know there's something in it for them!

Conversely, the strongest filter word is the word "I".  This gives readers the message that the headline is about someone else, not them.

It has been proved that headlines containing as many reinforcer words as possible attract much higher readership than those containing filter words.  So try to use as many reinforcer words as possible in your headlines. and as few filter words.

Apart from the word YOU, the other really effective reinforcer word is the word FREE.  When readers catch a glimpse of the word FREE, greed takes over and they can't resist reading on to see what's in it for them.

There are more proven reinforcer words, the most powerful including:

At last

There's plenty more to say about headlines! But meanwhile don't forget to come and visit us at Bizwrite to learn more about writing compelling copy!

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