Thursday 24 June 2010

Writing Compelling Copy - Let Go Of The Product!

Many copywriters have a hard time getting hold of one of the most vital concepts of writing compelling copy: selling the BENEFITS.  Why is it so hard to get hold of?  Because to sell the BENEFIT, you have to LET GO OF THE PRODUCT.

I know it's hard to grasp, because from your own point of view, you are selling a product.  But you must remember that the prospective customers are not actually interested in the product, they are interested in WHAT IT CAN DO FOR THEM.

Just think back to when you last bought any product, online or offline.  Why did you buy it?  Because of its size, colour, measurements or technical specifications?  Or because of what it could DO FOR YOU?

Of course, the features of the product are important, in that they can differentiate it from competing products.  But they are not what the customer is buying.  The customer is buying the benefits arising from these features.  So you must be speciific - identify the benefits then TURN THEM INTO FEATURES.

Last week I bought a new hosepipe for the garden.  I bought a 100 foot hosepipe to replace the 50 foot one I had before.  Why?  Because my old hosepipe didn't reach to the bottom of the garden.  This was a PROBLEM I had.  The 100 foot length of the hosepipe is a feature, but this wasn't what I was buying - I was buying a SOLUTION to my PROBLEM!

Your copywriting, and especially your headline, has to reach into the heart of your reader, has to CONNECT with them on a visceral, "feeling" level, has to strike a responsive chord. Otherwise they won't respond.  And you won't do this with highlighting features. 

More on benefits in headlines in the next post, but don't forget to come and visit us at Bizwrite to learn more about writing compelling copy.

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