Wednesday 9 June 2010

Writing Compelling Copy: Speak to the Heart!

We said last time that knowing your customer, and speaking to your customer's needs, is important in writing compelling copy.

But, of course, people buy what they WANT, not what they need! So customers have to WANT your product so badly, that they convince themselves that they NEED it - that their need and their want are the same thing.

If your copy is going to do this, it has to speak to the heart, not the head. Setting out all the logical reasons for buying your product won't cut it, even if they are excellent reasons. Think about the last time you responded to a promotional message, whether it was on a web site, a TV ad, or in a catalogue or brochure. You almost certainly thought "I've simply got to have that!" Maybe it was a gorgeous item of clothing. Even if you couldn't afford it, or had plenty more, you fell in love with it and convinced yourself that you needed it.

That's what writing compelling copy is about. It's easy if you can show a picture, but copywriting is about painting pictures with words. If you can use words to speak to your customers' hearts, to make them fall in love with your product, you've learned the big secret of copywriting.

Does this all seem too difficult? Visit to find out how we can help you - either to do it for you, or learn to do it yourself!

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