Monday 14 June 2010

Writing Compelling Copy - Build a Relationship

What is the main objective of the copy you are writing?

The objective is to get the reader to say "Yes".  Or it should be.  It isn't to tell them all about yourself or about how much you spent in developing your product.  They don't care.

Writing compelling copy means putting the customer in the mindset to say "Yes" - that is, do do whatever you want them to do - buy your product, sign up to your newsletter or use your services.

So how do you do this?  Not by giving them a sales pitch.  This is more likely to make them say NO.

One of the most powerful YES secrets is that people buy from those they like, and those they trust.  So get them to like and trust you.

First, you must establish a bond between yourself and them.  Talk their language.  You know who your target customers are - their age, gender, social class, interests, occupation (if you don't, you shouldn't be marketing!)  Use the sort of language they would use, tell personal stories that show you are a real person and they you're one of them.  And pay them compliments.  If you show you like them, they'll like you back!

And what about trusting?  DON'T say "Trust me".  When someone says that to you, trusting them is the last thing you do!  The best way to show you are honest is to admit to a negative.  If your product is the second or third best seller, not the best seller, say so - but say you're aiming to make it the best seller!  don't make up silly reasons for reducing prices.  If it's because you're desperate for sales, or you're short of money, say so.  You may be afraid to do this.  Won't it scare people off?  No it won't.  It's incredibly persuasive and will make customers much more likely to believe your other claims.

Visit the Bizwrite site to find plenty more secrets of writing compelling copy.  Let us know if you agree or disagree and tell us any questions you'd like us to deal with.

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